MCLib3’s biggest component is the Java Swing to SQL framework with integrated security. Other elements such as RSA key generation and encryption/decryption are also of note.
Features of MCLib3
- com.machconsulting.MCLib3 - Information Pop-up & Encryption file creation Utility.
- com.machconsulting.ciper - RSA Encryption tools.
- com.mashconsulting.math - RPN Executor
- com.machconsulting.sql. - Java Swing to SQL framework.
- com.machconsulting.swing. - Additional Swing components.
- com.machconsulting.utils. - Useful functions for synchronizing directories and files, capitalization rules, more robust parsing of Strings to number types, file line sorter, String utilities, and Threaded sleep.
Standard Installation Instructions
- Download the Zip Install archive from
- Create the MLib3 directory in a convenient directory for your Java IDE.
- Open the Zip install archive and copy all the contents to the MLib3 directory.
- Setup your IDE to use the MCLib.jar file as per your IDE’s instructions.
MCLib3Test Utility
Since most frameworks are a royal pain to figure out how to use I‘ve created a testbed application which shows the basics of how to use the framework with an example of a SQL single index table and another example with a SQL double index table.
- Download MCLib3Test from and unzip to a convenient directory.
- Download MCLib3 as per the standard instructions above and copy the MCLib3.jar file to your MCLib3Test directory.
- Download Apache’s Embedded SQL database and unzip to a convenient directory. (Copy the library file derby.jar to the MCLib3Test directory.) MCLib3Test uses Derby to store its local settings.
- Download, install, and configure MySQL server. Then create a database named testDb and user with appropriate rights to the database.
- Download the MySQL JDBC Connector and copy to the MCLib3Test directory.
- Download Kai Toedter’s JCalendar Library and copy to the MCLib3Test directory.
- Configure the MCLib3Test.bat file to have all the above JAR files in the classpath and com.machconsulting.MCLib3Test as the Java application to start.
MCLib3Test source code files and what they have in them
- com.machconsulting.MCLib3Test - Startup application and setup of JFrame.
- com.machconsulting.Settings - Settings for the application.
- com.machconsulting.SettingsDb - Embedded database for storing settings in Derby.
- com.machconsulting.SqlDbInit - Starts up MySQL connection.
- com.machconsulting.SqlDbVerify - Verifies MySQL database tables and creates them if they do not exist.
- com.machconsulting.panels.PAbout - Information about MCLib3Test
- com.machconsulting.panels.Item - Example of Swing to single index table with a “Search” button.
- com.machconsulting.panels.Item2 - Example of Swing to single index table with a JComboBox Search.
- com.machconsulting.panels.Op - Example of Swing to two index tables with a “Search” button.
- com.machconsulting.panels.Op2 - Example of Swing to two index tables with a JComboBox Search.
- com.machconsulting.panels.LaF - Look and Feel Changer.
- com.machconsulting.panels.PPurge - Example of how to purge deleted records.
- com.mashconsulting.panels.RPN1 - Example of how to use RPN executor.
- com.machconsulting.panels.PSQL - Example of how to settings MySQL settings. Code for configuring MCLib3Test for Derby embedded and network client is also included, but MCLib3 doesn’t currently support Derby yet.
GenCipher Program
GenCipher is an example of how to encrypt and decrypt text using MCLib3 EasyCipher library.
- Download GenCipher from and unzip to a convenient directory or use the installer.
Licensing Considerations
- MCLib3 is licensed under LGPL. You can find out more about LGPL at GPL FAQ.
- Other referenced libraries have their own licensing.
Source Code & JavaDoc
- You can download MCLib3’s source code directly at
- JavaDoc API for MCLib3 is here.